Discover the Secrets of Lifelike Wildlife Art with our Beginner's Coloured Pencils.


As a beginner to coloured pencils, it can feel very overwhelming and difficult to know where to start.

"What pencils should I use?"

"How do I pick colours?"

"How do I make something look realistic?"

''What is colour theory and what do all of these terms mean?"




I understand, I have been there! I am completely self taught in coloured pencil realism, no formal art education, no art degree, I learned it all through years of practice and countless mistakes! So let me assure you, you do not need to have any experience with coloured pencils to be able to create realistic art.


Realism is all about a few, key, fundamental skills, practiced repeatedly:

Layering and blending your coloured pencils

Understanding colour theory and how colours work together

Values and how to create contrast through shadows and highlights

Mastering proportions



In my coloured pencil course, I will teach you all of these fundamental skills in detail and how to apply them through a range of written and video tutorials so you can learn to create realistic art for yourself that you are not only proud of, but will look at and say "Wow! I did that!"

Included in my course, I also have a full module on building confidence as an artist; how to get past those mental blocks and build your self belief. This is equally as important as the physical skills of drawing. 

I cover topics such as:

How to overcome creative block

How to love the process and understand what the process will really look like as a beginner

How to build confidence in your ability as an artist

Comparison; how to not only overcome comparison but also use it to your advantage.


So whether you have some experience already, or you have never picked up a coloured pencil in your life and are wanting to give it a try, I can help you develop that skill set to create art that you really fall in love with and feel confident about.

You will be amazed at what you are capable of and how fast you can develop.

if you are ready to embark on your creative journey and unleash your artistic ability, I would love to work with you!



Join me in my online course where I will teach you all of the skills and techniques I have learned over the years as a professional artist. Set your creative side free and come and learn how to create incredible, realistic coloured pencil art that will make you look and say "Wow, I did that!"