Navigating social media as an artist

Navigating social media as an artist

Now, before I start, I am by no means, any kind of social media expert or even pretend to know what the heck I am doing half the time haha!
So, of course social media plays a huge role for the vast majority of artists and any other person running a small business. It helps us reach a wider audience and a lot of our income comes as a result. That being said, it can be super overwhelming, particularly when we are bombarded with social media courses and posts about when to post, what to post, how often, how to engage etc. etc. etc.!
Now, I'm not saying some of this info doesn't come in handy, but, I think there is still a lot of value to just posting what comes natural to you, sharing your life and your business as and when you see fit and when you have something of value you want to put across. Trying to force it and posting for the sake of an algorithm or commenting insincere comments just for engagement can really take away from what you are trying to do; creating a platform that is authentic and unique to you!
I know for me personally, any time I have tried to follow all these tips and schedules, it has overwhelmed me and I feel stressed out thinking ' I have nothing to post" or oh no! I forgot to post today! it turns social media into a chore rather than a place to connect and share my work!
Social media is unique to each of us and we can utilize it in any way we see fit, but I think there most important thing, above all else, it showing up as yourself. I am much more likely to want to follow and engage with someone who shows up as themselves a little less regularly than someone who shows up daily but shares generic content which very little thought has gone into.
Be you, share your work in a way that expresses your creativity but try to make sure it comes from a place of wanting to share, rather than feeling you have to, to keep up with an algorithm!
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