How to deal with competition and comparison in your business

How to deal with competition and comparison in your business

I wanted to write this post because I am sure every small business owner, heck, every person in their daily lives has felt that not so pleasant feeling of competition. Handling this is all down to your perspective and mindset.

I will talk from the perspective of an artist here but obviously, these challenges are faced by us all.

There are so many incredibly talented artists out there, there is no denying it and there will ALWAYS been someone better than you, that is just the way it goes.

Correct me if I am wrong but I would be fairly confident in assuming that you have either said, or thought to yourself, phrases along the lines of:

"I wish I was as good as.."

"I will never be as good as.."

"How am I supposed to compete with that skill level?!"

"I can't be successful like (person) because I am not as good/talented/skilled etc"

Sound familiar?

I can say right now I have thought (and still do from time to time) all of those thoughts.

So, how do you deal with those thoughts?

Let me start off by saying if you are running a business, you have competition. There is no getting away from that. If you try to avoid it and just hope that your business will be successful, you will have a hard time. 

As I said before, comparing yourself to your competition is natural, but it is your perspective that will determine how you feel about that other person.

If you continue to focus on the thoughts I mentioned above, it will leave you feeling disillusioned and disheartened, perhaps even a little frustrated. But ask yourself, does it change anything? Does that help you in any way? I think you know the answer right?

The alternative approach is a much better way to go.

Look at these people as a source of inspiration! Look at what they may be able to teach you, what have they achieved that you want to achieve? Learn from them and be grateful for them because they are showing you that it is possible!

Most importantly however, please understand that you are not them, so stop trying to be. Your biggest superpower, especially if you are trying to build a business, is who you are! That is what people will connect with, that is what will attract the right people to your business. Share your story, your quirks, what you love to do, why you create the art that you create. That is what makes you stand out. Keep showing up as yourself, keep creating your art in your own unique way.

There will be competition and comparison in every aspect of your life. I could say "don't compare" but that isn't helpful, it is human nature to compare, you can't help it, but perspective is what will create either a negative or a positive out of that comparison and that is something you can help. 

I know you have heard the phrase 'comparison is the thief of joy" No it isn't. Your mindset around that comparison is.








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